LeetCode 176. Second Highest Salary SQL Solution
LeetCode SQL Solution of Problem 176. Second Highest Salary. Rank() Window Function Solution + Limit Offset Solution.
LeetCode SQL Solution of Problem 176. Second Highest Salary. Rank() Window Function Solution + Limit Offset Solution.
LeetCode SQL Solution of Problem 177. Nth Highest Salary. Dense_Rank() Window Function Solution + Correlated Subquery Solution.
LeetCode SQL Solution of Problem 178. Rank Scores. Dense_Rank() Window Function Solution + Correlated Subquery Solution.
LeetCode SQL Solution of Problem [180. Consecutive Numbers]. Self Join Approach + Window Function Approach Lag() and Lead() Explained.
Need to clean up duplicate rows existing in existing tables? Use Group By, Self Join, or Window Function techniques to find and remove duplicate rows.
Gap Analysis - Using Self Join or Window Function techniques to find all gaps in a sequence of numbers.
MySQL Numbers Generator like generate_series in PostgreSQL! Using Recursive CTE or Cross Join SQL techniques to generate a virtual numbers table for any range of number. Print 1 to 100. Print 1 to 1001.
Island Analysis - Using Self Join or Window Function techniques to find all islands in a sequence of numbers.
Select Top N Rows Per Group In MySQL Using Modern SQL Window Functions Rank(), Dense_Rank(), and Row_Number().
Microsoft SQL Server TSQL Scripts: Numbers Generator like generate_series in PostgreSQL! Using Recursive CTE or Cross Join SQL techniques to generate a virtual numbers table for any range of number. Print 1 to 100. Print 1 to 1001.